Sunday, December 2, 2007

george greenough spoon footage

I think tis is very cool. You have to relize the era in which he was doing this.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't wait for the flic "State of S" to come out because i thought the whole thing was going to be on Greenough. I was dissapointed but believe it's still worth buying for the 10 minutes or so footage of what he was doing 40 years ago and the absolutely incredible influence he's had on surfing. I could be wrong but without his influence there might not have been "Magic Sam" and it could have taken another couple of years for the shortboard explosion. George has got to be in the top 10 Surfer's Hall of Fame. Every other board you see in the water today has a Greenough fin on it (or so it seems). All hail Sir George!!!

pranaglider said...

Completely agree regarding GG. His influence on technological advances are too numerious to mention here. I think what JDUB was alluding to here was that when a lot of the spoon footage you see was beening shot, everyone who "surfed" was riding 9'6"'s. It was takeoff and stroll to the nose. If you could do some turns that was great. Along comes Greenough doing S turns all over the place and really riding the tube. To say "some minds were blown, man" kind of sums it up. Surfing took off in a whole new direction.

Anonymous said...

Well said. Put both of our comments together and there you have it. An incredible man who just happened to pick surfing as his art form. As surfers we're lucky for that. He could have done it in a lot of other forms,(and did to a certain extent with his boat building and a various other side projects).