Tuesday, March 11, 2008

good stuff

Photos above taken from the blog Gothic Dolphins which I would recommend a check for some "Good Stuff". Check out the videos on the site.
Someone recently asked me why I like blogs? I guess I always was a magazine person having all the publications sent to my house. Enjoying quiet time flipping Thur them. As surfing has changed and or maybe I have aged a few years the fresh underground perspective is missing. I was always partial to the 70's era. It would seem the magazines are following the lead of it advertisers. Sure I get it. No Ads, no money, no money, no magazines. That leads me to my answer. Blogs can be fresh and focus on local scenes. Equipment is wide ranged not just 6'2" squash tails. There are flash backs to the past as well as peeks into the future. The people are real, not the same old sponsored faces. And most important the content is the authors choice not some public company just looking out for the bottom line.


pranaglider said...

right on

resintint said...

Well said brother, I'm with you.