Friday, February 22, 2008

Bren Falls


rspeer said...

Nice posting, Most people fly through that stretch of coast without stopping to notice the little treasures... (could do without the chemical foam at the falls)

FREERIDE said...

Indeed we can all do without thr chemical falls. The story behind this post is this. This is a stretch of beach I grew up as a kid. Its where I started surfing over 35 yeard ago. Donald Bren is the chairman and owner of The Irvine Co and owns all the land around the Newport Coast area, His company is currently in the process of completing a huge developement right above where the photos where taken. The shame of it all is that before they issued permits they made huge efforts to make sure he kept the enviorment clean and un changed.The sign Bren Falls below the advisory sign tells the whole story. I have sent the photos to the two local papers to see if they have any balls to post them. Time will tell.