Saturday, April 2, 2011

Space Mondo Sighting

Early standouts at Puerto were inevitably Americans, as it wasn't until the '80s that locals got in on the act. Californians Casey Higdon and Tim Hinkle began trekking south of the border in the '70s, and both remain prominent fixtures in the lineup today. Many a traveling pro has made the journey, but for most, it was just another stop on their endless trip. Florida's Todd Morcom found what was considered the best Puerto tuberide ever caught on film in 1995, an impossibly deep right-hander that earned him "Barrel of the Year" honors at the Surfer Video Awards. Following the examples set by the pros, a band of locals has established themselves as world-class surfers, including Celestino Diaz, Omar Diaz, Carlos Nogales Escalante, Roberto Salinas, Rogelio Ramirez and David Rutherford.From


Anonymous said...

So Cal's Lopez if u ask me.
one of a handful of goofy-foots that went x-pat decades ago and sat atop the hierarchy of Mexico's early chargers.
lots more to this character than can be summed in a comment.
good to see he's still here.

unidentified said...

Bimbo said...
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Bimbo said...

Great friend from years gone by. Good pic.